Loot Drop Off by Jaseowns

1# Runs a list of organizer agents by Jaseowns
2# UO Outlands
3# Requirements:  Setup Organizer Agents
4# Additional Info: 
5#   The script loops the list of organizers that is created below.
6#   You can edit this list as needed
7#   Combine this with other https://outlands.uorazorscripts.com/tags/organizer scripts
8if not listexists 'organizers'
9  createlist 'organizers'
10  pushlist 'organizers' 'organizer agent-01'
11  pushlist 'organizers' 'organizer agent-02'
12  pushlist 'organizers' 'organizer agent-03'
13  pushlist 'organizers' 'organizer agent-04'
14  pushlist 'organizers' 'organizer agent-05'
15  pushlist 'organizers' 'organizer agent-06'
16  pushlist 'organizers' 'organizer agent-07'
17  pushlist 'organizers' 'organizer agent-08'
18  pushlist 'organizers' 'organizer agent-09'
19  pushlist 'organizers' 'organizer agent-10'
22for 2
23    foreach agent in organizers
24        overhead agent 77  
25        clearsysmsg 
26        hotkey agent
27        wait 200
28        if not insysmsg 'Organize Agent did not find any items to move'
29            while queued
30                overhead 'Waiting..' 693
31                wait 500
32            endwhile
33            if insysmsg 'cannot hold more weight'
34                overhead 'Box full!' 693    
35            endif
36        endif
37    endfor
40overhead "Organizer Complete!" 88