Rope with cooldowns by yarick.

Related: Snippet rope

Description: The script uses the following cooldowns

Combat - a PvP timer

Teleport - as default (script controls duration)

Rope - as default (script controls duration)

The script was designed to be used along side this Rope Tele script

1if not timerexists teleCastTimer
2    createtimer teleCastTimer
4if findtype "rope" backpack and not cooldown 'Rope'
5    if targetexists 
6        hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
7    endif
8    say '[rope'
9    settimer teleCastTimer 0
10    while timer teleCastTimer < 2000
11        while targetexists 
12        endwhile
13    endwhile
15    if insysmsg 'That location is blocked' or insysmsg 'That is too far away.' or insysmsg 'Target cannot be seen.'
16        //failed
17    else
18        if cooldown 'Combat'
19            //combat has a 15 sec cooldown on tele
20            //and a 2 min cooldown after rope
21            cooldown "Rope" 120000
22            cooldown "Teleport" 120000
23        else
24            //out of combat you can tele rope quickly
25            cooldown "Rope" 5000
26        endif
27    endif
30#Set this to your loop script to resume your loop
31#hotkey 'Play Script: AA\Route'