Throw nets at an SOS / MIB spot, spyglass, heal by dabiri

1// This is solid but not perfect. I'm out of MIBs and not planning much fishing in the short term, so decided to share the current state.
2// It will heal, cure, spyglass, and throw nets at a nearby SOS spot. The color of net can be specified on line 60.
3// I like to launch it with a CUO macro that also triggers mariners fortune greater ability before calling the script
5// This script expects you to have cooldowns named EXACTLY:
6# Holy Light
7# Fishing Net
8# Spyglass
10// Eat food if we need it
11if not findbuff "food" and findtype "tray" backpack as jood
12    dclick jood
13    wait 200
16//Heals & Cures
17//Bandage Self
18if not bandaging and hp < maxhp
19    hotkey "Bandage Self"
20    wait 100
23//Potion heal
24if diffhits >= 30 
25    if findtype "Yellow Potion" backpack as pot 
26        getlabel pot desc
27        if "next usable" in desc
28            // do nothing
29        else
30            dclick pot
31            overhead 'Heal Potion' 48
32            wait 500
34        endif
35    endif
38//Chivalry heal
39if diffhits >= 50 and skill "Chivalry" > 95 and not cooldown 'Holy Light'
40    say '[Holylight'
41    wait 250
42    if insysmsg "Holy symbols remaining:"
43        cooldown 'Holy Light' 31000
44    endif
47if poisoned
48    // Potion cure
49    if diffhits >= hpCheckToTriggerCurePotion and findtype "Orange Potion" backpack as pot 
50        dclick pot
51        overhead 'Cure Potion' 48
52        wait 500
53    endif
56//Fishing Net Routine
57if not cooldown 'Fishing Net'
58    overhead "Throwing Net" 15
59    // 2219 is valehide hue, switch for different color
60    if findtype 3530 backpack 2219 as found
61        dclick found
62        while not targetexists  
63            wait 20
64        endwhile
65        if targetexists 'Neutral'
66            target self
67        cooldown 'Fishing Net' 3500
68        endif
69    endif
72//Spyglass Routine
73if not findtype 5365 backpack
74    overhead "No spyglass"
75    stop
77if not cooldown 'Spyglass'
78    if targetexists
79        overhead 'Holding spyglass' 15
80        wait 500
81        loop
82    endif
83    gumpclose 2890020940
84    dclicktype 5365
85    wft 1000
86    if targetexists neutral
87        overhead 'Glassing'
88        target 'self'
89        waitforgump 2890020940
90        gumpresponse 4 2890020940
91        waitforgump 2890020940
92        cooldown 'Spyglass' 6300
93    endif