Ready Launching Ship by anakin0351

#Embark your ship# # clearall gumpclose //------------------------------------------------------------- //check for valuable shit if findtype 8454|8455|43206|5363 backpack while not targetexists overhead "You have valuable shit on you!" 17 sysmsg "You have valuable shit on you!" 17 wait 500 endwhile endif //------------------------------------------------------------- //SET TillerMan Auto if findtype "tiller man" ground as done overhead "Tillerman SETTED" @setvar! 'TillerMan' 'done' pause 500 else pause 200 overhead 'Select TillerMan' @setvar! 'TillerMan' endif //------------------------------------------------------------- overhead 'READY!' dclick 'TillerMan' waitforgump 4216593270 if gumpexists 4216593270 //wait 100 gumpresponse 201 4216593270 wait 350 gumpresponse 202 4216593270 wait 350 gumpresponse 204 4216593270 wait 350 gumpresponse 205 4216593270 wait 250 gumpclose endif //------------------------------------------------------------- //ready crew load guns etc say '[recallBoarding' wait 250 say '[Reload' wait 250 say '[ReadyCrew' wait 250 say '[ShipHotbars' //------------------------------------------------------------- //unset your old noIDbag for drop loot so you can select new bag unsetvar noidBag //------------------------------------------------------------- //Get ready to sail overhead "Move to hold and target status bar" 43 setvar! shipStatusBar ########################