Drop gold on pet and deposit near safe by special_sy
Related: Snippet
Description: Drop gold on your storage pet to go a bit longer!
1# Script by [DoS] Chumber
2# Dump your gold on your storage pets to go a little bit longer
3# Deposit the gold from pets if you are near a safe
4# Edit the CONFIG section to set your pets
5# You always need one entry in each list
6# pushlist goldAmounts <amount of gold the pet can carry>
7# pushlist goldPets <the pet serial from >info>
8# If you got more than one pet you just add another entry in both lists
9# Update goldToStart to the sum of all goldAmounts
11if not listexists goldAmounts
12 createlist goldAmounts
14if not listexists 'goldPets'
15 createlist goldPets
17clearlist goldAmounts
18clearlist goldPets
20# --- CONFIG START ---
21@setvar goldToStart 2000
22pushlist goldAmounts 500
23pushlist goldPets 0x57DB0A
25pushlist goldAmounts 500
26pushlist goldPets 0xD2BC9
27# --- CONFIG END -----
28if findtype 'bank deposit safe' 'ground' -1 -1 2 as safe
29 overhead "Found a save, depositing from pets!"
30 foreach goldPet in goldPets
31 getlabel goldPet petLabel
32 dclick goldPet
33 wait 200
34 if findtype 'gold coin' goldPet as gold
35 getlabel gold goldLabel
36 overhead "Depositing {{goldLabel}} from {{petLabel}}"
37 lift gold 1000
38 wait 250
39 drop safe
40 wait 250
41 else
42 overhead "No gold in {{petLabel}}"
43 endif
44 endfor
45 overhead "All done!"
46 stop
49if counttype 'gold coin' 'backpack' < goldToStart
50 overhead "Du bist noch zu arm!"
51 stop
53overhead '$$$'
55foreach goldAmount in goldAmounts
56 if poplist goldPets 'front' as goldPet
57 if find goldPet 'ground' -1 -1 2 as currentPet and findtype 'gold coin' backpack as gold
58 getlabel currentPet label
59 overhead 'Dropping {{goldAmount}} on {{label}}'
60 lift gold goldAmount
61 wait 250
62 drop goldPet -1 -1
63 wait 250
64 else
65 overhead "Pet isnt close enough or not present, please check!"
66 endif
67 endif
70overhead 'Done!'