Stack gold into 60k piles by initsu

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// selecting the container ID to use // leave it empty to pick a container each time // getting bank container ID: type -info and click on anything in your bank // getting other container ID: type >info and click on the container setvar! stackContainer @setvar! stack30kPile 0 @setvar! stackSmallPile 0 @clearignore while findtype "gold coin" stackContainer as goldPile getlabel goldPile desc if ": 60000" in desc @ignore goldPile elseif ": 30000" in desc if stack30kPile == 0 @setvar! stack30kPile goldPile @ignore goldPile else lift goldPile 30000 drop stack30kPile @setvar! stack30kPile 0 wait 750 endif else lift goldPile 30000 drop stackContainer wait 750 getlabel goldPile desc if ": 30000" in desc elseif stackSmallPile == 0 @setvar! stackSmallPile goldPile @ignore goldPile else lift goldPile 60000 drop stackSmallPile @unignore stackSmallPile @setvar! stackSmallPile 0 wait 750 endif endif endwhile if stack30kPile != 0 and stackSmallPile != 0 lift stackSmallPile 60000 drop stack30kPile wait 750 endif overhead "Done"