Auto Recall and go to Inn Rental Room by rick.jf

Description: Recalls to Innkeeper/House Steward rune, and then get inside Inn Rental Room

1#Set rune`s button to GH`s CY (if it has a House Steward npc)
2#or near Innkeeper npc, from the runebook as follows:
3#Page 1: 2, 6, 14, 20, 26, 32, 38, 44
4#Page 2: 50, 56, 62, 68, 74, 80, 86, 92
5@setvar! runeButton 2
7#IF NOT room owner (visiting other`s) set this to 0
8#and wich room (starts on 100 and goes 101, 102, 103...)
9@setvar! ownRoom 1
10@setvar! roomButton 100
12if findtype 8901 backpack as runebook
13    dclick runebook
14    waitforgump 1551740969 1000
15    if gumpexists 1551740969
16        gumpresponse runeButton
17        wait 2200
18        say 'room'
19        waitforgump 2393832411 1000
20        if gumpexists 2393832411
21            if ownRoom = 1
22                gumpresponse 4
23            else
24                gumpresponse 2
25                wait 100
26                waitforgump 2393832411 1000
27                gumpresponse roomButton
28            endif
29        endif
30    endif