Bapeth's Peaceful Harvester by barryroser

Description: In Peace Mode - This script will auto harvest, auto heal/cure, auto peacemake hostile, auto track (set hunting mode manually)

In War Mode - This script will additionally look for nearby forges, smelt ingots, turn logs to boards, and auto sort resources into a Boombox/Trapped Pouch

# Bapeths Peaceful Harvester # # October 18th 2024 (Small fix to recalling from rune) # # "Required" - Do not include quotations when entering data # Create cooldowns in game called : # If your Music/Peace is higher than 50 add " Peacemaking " and " Barding Reset " # If any tracking skill at all add " Tracking " # Barding Reset requires an Overhead Message Trigger : " Your barding skill cooldowns reset " Cooldown : " 0.5 " # # Hold TAB key for combat should be unchecked in UO Options > Combat-Spells > General # # "Harvest Speed" # This script uses razor "Auto-Queue Object Delay" setting # Make sure this setting is turned ON in the razor Options tab > Targeting & Queues sub-tab # And set "object delay to 503" MINING WILL BE SLOW IF YOU DONT DO THIS # # "Required Items" : Pickaxe or Hatchet, BoomBox (or any container), Musical Instrument (supreme is good), Resource stockpile (or extraction script for ingots:boombox), Atlas # # "Boom Box / Ore Container" # Open the "Atlas" menu while the script is playing to "set your container" # Type [atlas or double click the party scroll in your paperdoll # Always keep your ore container in your backpack - "do not" put it on a pack animal # # "Optional" # If you want to install "Bapeths Custom Razor Overheads" for this Build # Copy overheads here " " # Paste them into your characters razor profile in the "Overheads" section # Default pathway is " C:\Program Files (x86)\Ultima Online Outlands\ClassicUO\Data\Plugins\Assistant\Profiles " # # Additional Items Script Uses : Cure pot, Heal pot, Refresh pot, Strength pot, Cleansing brew, Scissors (Blessed), Rune Tome/book (or Recall scroll and Rune), Pack Animal # # "Spam Reduction" # Options tab > Targeting & Queues subtab > Uncheck "Attack/Target name overhead" # Filters tab > Text & Messages subtab > Check "Filter Repeating Razor Messages" ONLY # Filters tab > Text & Messages subtab > Add > "You cannot produce any wood from that." and filter from overhead # # "Yell Emote" is used on "line 509 & line 576" - Edit this to any emote you may have # Default cooldown is 2mins - Edit "line 508 & line 575" to match your character customization emote unlocks # # "**HOW TO USE**" # 1. Gather required items and play script near resource # 2. Script will auto sort ore/boards/ingots into Boom Box / Ore Container # 3. To get ingots out of trapped box: use "resource stockpile" in your house/inn room to grab ingots without triggering trap (or use a sorting script) # 4. Do not carry both a pickaxe and a hatchet at the same time, choose one or the other # # "In Peace Mode" # The script will auto harvest very quickly # Auto heal/cure # Auto peacemake hostile # Auto track (set hunting mode manually) <---- "Important for auto escape" # # "In War Mode" In addition to everything peace mode does... # Mining speed is 33% slower while ore is sorted into the Ore Container / Pack Animal # Look for and display nearby player forges (Natural non-player will not display) # Auto smelt ingots when near any forge # Turn logs into boards # Auto sort boards/ingots/ore into a Boombox / Ore Container # # "Pack Animals" # The script will auto sort your ore into the your pack animals pack when in "war mode" # # "Auto-Escape" Toggled on and off by double clicking the "scissors" while the script is playing # This feature uses a "Rune Tome/Book" - Your escape rune must be placed in the very "first slot" of your book # If you do not have a Rune Tome/Book you can simply use a "Recall Rune & Recall scroll" instead - Reagents also work here in place of scroll (make sure Auto Use Spell Scrolls is Enabled) # This feature will always be default "Off" and will reset to default if you restart your game completely # # War mode uses action resources and may slow down active mining slightly # # "***Recommended Build***" # -"Peace Harvester"- # Tracking ------ 120 # Lumberjacking - 120 # Mining -------- 120 # Peacemaking --- 100 # Magery -------- 100 (80 is fine, 100 only used for gate travel) # Musicianship -- 100 # Camping ------- 60 (Use 80 here if your magery is 80) # # Use "Effective Harvest Skill" links if you can # # Script starts here if not varexist peaceharvfirsttime @setvar peaceharvfirsttime backpack overhead "Welcome to Bapeths Peaceful Harvester..." 88 pause 4000 overhead "This script may require up to three cooldowns:" 88 pause 800 overhead "Tracking" 78 overhead "Peacemaking" 78 overhead "Barding Reset" 78 pause 4000 overhead "Create these in your UO options page" 88 pause 4000 overhead "Read the breakdown at the top of the script for more info..." 88 pause 6000 overhead "Now, get out there and farm some resources!" 55 endif if timerexists usetool removetimer usetool endif if not timerexists htoolcheck createtimer htoolcheck settimer htoolcheck 28000 endif if not hidden and not findtype "atlas" backpack pause 500 say "[Atlas" getlabel backpack ping overhead "Double click the Atlas anytime you wish to reset your Ore Container..." 88 pause 500 endif if gumpexists 341416395 gumpclose 341416395 endif if not timerexists instrumcheck createtimer instrumcheck settimer instrumcheck 5000 endif if skill "Peacemaking" >= 50 and not find "harvinstrument" backpack and findtype 3763|20016|20010|10245|20008|20006|20014|20012|3742|3740|3762 backpack as binstrument @setvar "harvinstrument" binstrument while queued //donothing endwhile dclick binstrument pause 500 getlabel backpack ping endif if timer instrumcheck >= 5000 and not find "harvinstrument" backpack and skill "Peacemaking" >= 50 overhead "I should get an instrument..." 88 settimer instrumcheck 0 endif if not find "currentpackanimal" if findtype "291|292" ground as bpackanimal if noto bpackanimal = "friend" @setvar "currentpackanimal" bpackanimal endif endif endif if not timerexists openanimalpack and not find "currentpackanimal" ground -1 -1 1 createtimer openanimalpack endif if timerexists openanimalpack and find "currentpackanimal" ground -1 -1 1 not targetexists and not casting while queued //donothing endwhile dclick "currentpackanimal" getlabel backpack ping removetimer openanimalpack endif if gumpexists 341416395 gumpclose 341416395 if targetexists hotkey "Cancel Current Target" endif overhead "Select Boom Box" 88 overhead "-----> OR" 78 overhead "Select Trapped Pouch" 88 pause 550 hotkey "Set Last Target" wft 500 while targetexists //donothing endwhile @setvar "harvboombox" lasttarget hotkey "Cancel Current Target" overhead "Container Set" 78 if find "harvboombox" hotkey "Set Grab Item HotBag" wft 500 target "harvboombox" endif pause 750 endif if not find "escaperune" backpack overhead "Select Escape Method" 88 pause 1500 overhead "Select Runetome, or" 78 overhead "Select Runebook, or" 78 overhead "Select Rune" 78 pause 750 hotkey "Set Last Target" wft 500 while targetexists //donothing endwhile @setvar "escaperune" lasttarget hotkey "Cancel Current Target" overhead "Escape Method Set" 88 pause 750 endif if not timerexists freshlogin createtimer freshlogin drop backpack lift "harvboombox" drop backpack pause 500 getlabel backpack ping if findtype "alchemists satchel" backpack as satch dclick satch endif endif if not timerexists escapeswitch if insysmsg "What should I use these scissors on?" hotkey "Cancel Current Target" createtimer escapeswitch overhead "--Escape Mode Enabled--" 88 endif endif if timerexists escapeswitch if insysmsg "What should I use these scissors on?" hotkey "Cancel Current Target" removetimer escapeswitch overhead "--Escape Mode Disabled--" 38 endif endif if not find "bharvest" and findtype 3718|3908 backpack as harvtool @setvar "bharvest" harvtool endif if not find "bharvest" self and findlayer self lefthand as leftdrop drop backpack lift leftdrop drop backpack pause 500 getlabel backpack ping replay elseif not find "bharvest" self and findlayer self righthand as rightdrop drop backpack lift rightdrop drop backpack pause 500 getlabel backpack ping replay endif if find "bharvest" backpack and findlayer self lefthand as leftdrop drop backpack lift leftdrop drop backpack pause 500 getlabel backpack ping replay elseif find "bharvest" backpack and findlayer self righthand as rightdrop drop backpack lift rightdrop drop backpack pause 500 getlabel backpack ping replay endif if rhandempty and find "bharvest" backpack and not targetexists dclick "bharvest" overhead "Harvest Time!" 88 pause 500 getlabel backpack ping endif if lhandempty and find "bharvest" backpack and not targetexists dclick "bharvest" overhead "Harvest Time!" 88 pause 500 getlabel backpack ping endif while find "bharvest" self and not hidden and not casting while queued //donothing endwhile hotkey 'use item in hand' if findlayer self lefthand getlabel backpack ping endif if targetexists and findlayer self lefthand target self hotkey "Cancel Current Target" getlabel backpack ping endif if not find "currentpackanimal" if findtype "291|292" ground as bpackanimal if noto bpackanimal = "friend" @setvar "currentpackanimal" bpackanimal endif endif endif if not timerexists openanimalpack and not find "currentpackanimal" ground -1 -1 1 createtimer openanimalpack endif if timerexists openanimalpack and find "currentpackanimal" ground -1 -1 1 not targetexists and not casting while queued //donothing endwhile dclick "currentpackanimal" getlabel backpack ping removetimer openanimalpack endif if insysmsg "You do not see any harvestable resources nearby." if timerexists rescheck overhead "Resource Depleted..." 78 removetimer rescheck endif if warmode and not findtype "forge" ground -1 -1 2 if find "currentpackanimal" ground if find "currentpackanimal" ground -1 -1 2 and findtype "6585" backpack as rawore while queued //donothing endwhile drop backpack lift rawore 60000 drop "currentpackanimal" pause 500 getlabel backpack ping endif elseif findtype "6585" backpack as rawore while queued //donothing endwhile hotkey "Grab Item" wft 500 target rawore pause 500 getlabel backpack ping if not find "currentpackanimal" @ignore rawore endif endif if find "harvboombox" backpack @clearignore while findtype 7154|7127| backpack as refinedresource @ignore refinedresource endwhile endif if findtype "6585" backpack as natsmelt clearsysmsg while queued //donothing endwhile dclick natsmelt getlabel backpack ping elseif find "currentpackanimal" ground -1 -1 1 and findtype "6585" "currentpackanimal" as natsmelt dclick "currentpackanimal" while queued //donothing endwhile dclick natsmelt getlabel backpack ping endif if insysmsg "You smelt the ore" while findtype 7154|7127 backpack as refinedresource while queued //donothing endwhile hotkey "Grab Item" wft 500 target refinedresource pause 500 getlabel backpack ping @ignore refinedresource endwhile if find "harvboombox" backpack @clearignore while findtype 7154|7127| backpack as refinedresource @ignore refinedresource endwhile endif while findtype "6585" backpack as natore dclick natore pause 500 getlabel backpack ping if insysmsg "You do not see any nearby forges" gumpclose 341416395 getlabel backpack ping break endif endwhile if find "currentpackanimal" -1 -1 1 dclick "currentpackanimal" endif while findtype "6585" "currentpackanimal" as natore dclick natore pause 500 getlabel backpack ping if insysmsg "You do not see any nearby forges" gumpclose 341416395 getlabel backpack ping break endif endwhile while findtype 7154|7127 backpack as refinedresource while queued //donothing endwhile hotkey "Grab Item" wft 500 target refinedresource pause 500 getlabel backpack ping @ignore refinedresource endwhile endif if not find "currentpackanimal" while findtype 6585 backpack as ore @ignore ore endwhile endif endif endif if warmode while findtype 7133 backpack as rawlog dclick rawlog pause 500 getlabel backpack ping endwhile endif if timer htoolcheck >= 60000 getlabel "bharvest" desc overhead desc settimer htoolcheck 0 endif if find "harvinstrument" backpack and skill "Peacemaking" >= 10 and not cooldown "Peacemaking" and not targetexists and not casting for 6 hotkey 'Next Grey Monster Target' if insysmsg "No one matching" break endif @setvar peacetarget lasttarget #Actually non-hostile because razor code is backward (bug) if noto "peacetarget" = hostile //donothing elseif find peacetarget ground -1 -1 1 createtimer peaceit elseif find peacetarget ground -1 -1 2 createtimer peaceit elseif find peacetarget ground -1 -1 3 createtimer peaceit elseif find peacetarget ground -1 -1 4 createtimer peaceit elseif find peacetarget ground -1 -1 5 createtimer peaceit elseif find peacetarget ground -1 -1 6 createtimer peaceit elseif find peacetarget ground -1 -1 7 createtimer peaceit elseif find peacetarget ground -1 -1 8 createtimer peaceit elseif find peacetarget ground -1 -1 9 createtimer peaceit elseif find peacetarget ground -1 -1 10 createtimer peaceit elseif find peacetarget ground -1 -1 11 createtimer peaceit elseif find peacetarget ground -1 -1 12 createtimer peaceit endif if timerexists peaceit getlabel peacetarget desc if "pacified" in desc //donothing else overhead "Peace target acquired..." 2085 overhead desc 1161 skill "Peacemaking" wft 500 target "peacetarget" getlabel backpack ping if insysmsg "You play successfully, pacifying your target" cooldown "Peacemaking" 10000 cooldown "Tracking" 12500 elseif insysmsg "You fail" cooldown "Peacemaking" 5000 cooldown "Tracking" 12500 elseif insysmsg "Target cannot be seen" cooldown "Peacemaking" 3000 endif if cooldown "Barding Reset" cooldown "Peacemaking" 1 endif endif break endif endfor hotkey "Cancel Current Target" settimer findpeacetarget 0 removetimer peaceit endif if timerexists escapeswitch if insysmsg 'Now tracking:' if not timerexists emotetimer createtimer emotetimer settimer emotetimer 120000 endif if timer emotetimer >= 120000 say "[Yell" 454 settimer emotetimer 0 endif while not dead getlabel "escaperune" desc if "tome" in desc dclick "escaperune" waitforgump 167090027 500 if skill "Magery" <= 59 gumpresponse 100 while casting //donothing endwhile pause 800 clearsysmsg elseif skill "Magery" >= 60 gumpresponse 200 waitforgump 167090027 500 gumpresponse 10 while casting //donothing endwhile pause 800 clearsysmsg endif break elseif "runebook" in desc dclick "escaperune" waitforgump 167090027 500 if skill "Magery" <= 59 gumpresponse 2 while casting //donothing endwhile pause 800 clearsysmsg elseif skill "Magery" >= 60 gumpresponse 5 while casting //donothing endwhile pause 800 clearsysmsg endif break elseif findtype "7956" backpack cast "Recall" while casting //donothing endwhile wft 500 target "escaperune" pause 800 clearsysmsg break endif endwhile endif endif if not timerexists escapeswitch if insysmsg 'Now tracking:' if not timerexists emotetimer createtimer emotetimer settimer emotetimer 120000 endif if timer emotetimer >= 120000 say "[Yell" 454 settimer emotetimer 0 endif if not cooldown "Tracking" and not findtype "map" backpack gumpclose 4267467659 getlabel backpack ping skill "Tracking" waitforgump 4267467659 500 gumpresponse 5 cooldown "Tracking" 6000 endif endif endif if warmode if findlayer self lefthand //donothing else for 18 if index > 0 and findtype "forge|4017" ground -1 -1 index as bforge overhead "****FORGE HERE****" 2085 bforge break endif endfor endif if findtype "forge" ground -1 -1 2 if find "harvboombox" backpack @clearignore while findtype 7154|7127| backpack as refinedresource @ignore refinedresource endwhile endif while findtype 6585 backpack as Bapore dclick Bapore pause 500 getlabel backpack ping endwhile if find "currentpackanimal" -1 -1 1 dclick "currentpackanimal" endif while findtype 6585 "currentpackanimal" as Bapore dclick Bapore pause 500 getlabel backpack ping endwhile endif while findtype 7154|7127 backpack as refinedresource while queued //donothing endwhile hotkey "Grab Item" wft 500 target refinedresource pause 500 getlabel backpack ping @ignore refinedresource endwhile if find "currentpackanimal" ground if find "currentpackanimal" ground -1 -1 2 and findtype "6585" backpack as rawore while queued //donothing endwhile drop backpack lift rawore 60000 drop "currentpackanimal" pause 500 getlabel backpack ping endif elseif findtype "6585" backpack as rawore while queued //donothing endwhile hotkey "Grab Item" wft 500 target rawore pause 500 getlabel backpack ping if not find "currentpackanimal" @ignore rawore endif endif endif if find "harvinstrument" backpack and skill "Peacemaking" >= 10 and not findbuff "Song Of Peacemaking" skill "Peacemaking" wft 500 targetrelloc -1 -1 endif if skill "Tracking" >= 10 and not cooldown "Tracking" and not findbuff "Tracking Hunting" skill 'tracking' waitforgump 4267467659 500 gumpresponse 6 pause 250 gumpclose 4267467659 endif if not hidden and not timerexists brew and findbuff "Bleed" and findtype 50675 backpack as cbrew if not timerexists bleedmobdelay createtimer bleedmobdelay endif if timer bleedmobdelay >= 1100 while queued //donothing endwhile dclick cbrew createtimer brew removetimer bleedmobdelay endif elseif not hidden and not timerexists brew and findbuff "Diseased" and findtype 50675 backpack as cbrew while queued //donothing endwhile dclick cbrew createtimer brew endif if timerexists brew if timer brew >= 120000 removetimer brew endif endif if not hidden and findbuff "Weaken" and not targetexists and findtype "White Potion" backpack as stpot while queued //donothing endwhile getlabel backpack ping dclick stpot pause 500 getlabel backpack ping endif if not hidden and stam <= 4 and findtype "Red Potion" backpack as redpot while queued //donothing endwhile dclick redpot endif if skill "Magery" >= 80 and mana >= 15 if timerexists reflect and not findbuff "Magic Reflection" if timer reflect > 31000 cast "Magic Reflection" pause 1800 replay endif endif if findbuff "Magic Reflection" and timerexists reflect removetimer reflect endif if not findbuff "Magic Reflection" and not timerexists reflect createtimer reflect endif endif if skill "Magery" >= 20 and mana >= 4 if timerexists reactive and not findbuff "Reactive Armor" if timer reactive > 31000 cast "Reactive Armor" pause 900 replay endif endif if findbuff "Reactive Armor" and timerexists reactive removetimer reactive endif if not findbuff "Reactive Armor" and not timerexists reactive createtimer reactive endif endif if not hidden and paralyzed and not targetexists and findtype "pouch" backpack 38 say "[Pouch" pause 500 getlabel backpack ping endif if hp < 50 while hp < 50 and skill "Magery" >= 30 hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' cast 'Heal' wft 2500 hotkey 'Target Self' hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' pause 250 endwhile replay endif if not timerexists bhealpot createtimer bhealpot settimer bhealpot 11000 endif if timer bhealpot >= 11000 and hp < maxhp and findtype "Yellow Potion" backpack as healpot while queued //donothing endwhile dclick healpot settimer bhealpot 0 pause 500 getlabel backpack ping endif if hp < 90 and skill "Magery" >= 30 cast 'Heal' wft 2500 hotkey 'Target Self' hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' pause 250 replay endif if hp < 79 and skill "Magery" >= 60 hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' cast 'Greater Heal' wft 3500 hotkey 'Target self' hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' pause 250 replay endif while poisoned and not targetexists if findtype "Orange Potion" backpack as curepot dclick curepot pause 500 getlabel backpack ping elseif poisoned and skill "Magery" >= 40 while poisoned mana >= 6 cast "Cure" wft 2500 target self hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' endwhile replay endif endwhile if insysmsg "You have recently traveled and must wait" removetimer usetool overhead "Travel Cooldown..." 45 pause 500 getlabel backpack ping endif if insysmsg "You dig" createtimer rescheck endif if insysmsg "You chop" createtimer rescheck endif if not timerexists escapeswitch if insysmsg "What should I use these scissors on?" hotkey "Cancel Current Target" createtimer escapeswitch overhead "--Escape Mode Enabled--" 88 endif endif if timerexists escapeswitch if insysmsg "What should I use these scissors on?" hotkey "Cancel Current Target" removetimer escapeswitch overhead "--Escape Mode Disabled--" 38 endif endif if not find "currentpackanimal" if findtype "291|292" ground as bpackanimal if noto bpackanimal = "friend" @setvar "currentpackanimal" bpackanimal endif endif endif if not timerexists openanimalpack and not find "currentpackanimal" ground -1 -1 1 createtimer openanimalpack endif if timerexists openanimalpack and find "currentpackanimal" ground -1 -1 1 not targetexists and not casting while queued //donothing endwhile dclick "currentpackanimal" getlabel backpack ping removetimer openanimalpack endif if gumpexists 341416395 gumpclose 341416395 if targetexists hotkey "Cancel Current Target" endif overhead "Select Boom Box" 88 overhead "-----> OR" 78 overhead "Select Trapped Pouch" 88 pause 550 hotkey "Set Last Target" wft 500 while targetexists //donothing endwhile @setvar "harvboombox" lasttarget hotkey "Cancel Current Target" overhead "Container Set" 78 if find "harvboombox" hotkey "Set Grab Item HotBag" wft 500 target "harvboombox" endif pause 750 endif if skill "Peacemaking" >= 50 and not find "harvinstrument" backpack and findtype 3763|20016|20010|10245|20008|20006|20014|20012|3742|3740|3762 backpack as binstrument @setvar "harvinstrument" binstrument while queued //donothing endwhile dclick binstrument pause 500 getlabel backpack ping endif if timer instrumcheck >= 5000 and not find "harvinstrument" backpack and skill "Peacemaking" >= 50 overhead "I should get an instrument..." 88 settimer instrumcheck 0 endif endwhile if not timerexists escapeswitch if insysmsg "What should I use these scissors on?" hotkey "Cancel Current Target" createtimer escapeswitch overhead "--Escape Mode Enabled--" 88 endif endif if timerexists escapeswitch if insysmsg "What should I use these scissors on?" hotkey "Cancel Current Target" removetimer escapeswitch overhead "--Escape Mode Disabled--" 38 endif endif if not findlayer self righthand and not findlayer self lefthand overhead "Time for a break..." 45 stop endif loop