Smart Hide and/or Stealth by Fritz by fritz2012

Description: one button to hide and auto stealth after cooldown and just stealth if needed.

1# Smart Hide and/or Stealth by Fritz
2# UO Outlands
3if not hidden
4    useskill 'hiding'
5    wait 300
6    if hidden
7        wait 7000
8            if hidden
9                overhead '3'
10            wait 1000
11            else
12                overhead 'Not Hidden!!' 38
13                stop
14            endif
15            if hidden
16                overhead '2'
17            wait 1000
18            else
19                overhead 'Not Hidden!!' 38
20                stop
21            endif
22            if hidden
23                overhead '1'
24            wait 1001
25            else
26                overhead 'Not Hidden!!' 38
27                stop
28            endif
29            if hidden
30                skill 'Stealth'
31            else
32                overhead 'Not Hidden!!' 38
33                stop
34            endif
35    else
36        overhead 'Not Hidden!!' 38
37    endif
39    useskill 'stealth'