Shelter Island Corpser Magery by Ace Mason

Description: Casts Lightning and Energy Bolt on the Corpsers in Shelter Dungeon until magery is at 70. Can use the spell cast deed that's in your pack on character creation or you can grab some regs.

1//mana check
2if skill 'magery' < 60 and mana < 11
3  useskill "meditation"
4  while mana < maxmana
5  endwhile
6  pause 600
7elseif skill 'magery' < 70 and mana < 20
8  useskill "meditation"
9  while mana < maxmana
10  endwhile
11  pause 600
14if skill 'magery' < 60
15  cast "lightning"
16  waitfortarget 15000
17  targettype "0x8"
18  pause 1000
19elseif skill 'magery' < 70
20  cast "energy bolt"
21  waitfortarget 15000
22  targettype "0x8"
23  pause 1000
24elseif skill 'magery' == 70
25    msg "Move out of new dungeon!"
26  stop