Doubloons and Gold to Bank Safe by anakin0351
Description: Put all Dubs and Golds ground or backpack to Bank Safe
1#Script by Anakin#0351
2#Drop all gold and dubs on the ground & backpack near Deposit Safe
3if @findtype 'bank deposit safe' ground -1 -1 2 as SafeBox
4# Golds and Dubs on the ground to the Safe
5while @findtype '3821|3891' ground -1 -1 2 as 'GoldnDubs'
6 sysmsg "Gold n Dubs on the ground goes to BankSafe"
7 lift GoldnDubs 60000
8 drop SafeBox -1 -1 0
9 wait 600
11# Golds and Dubs on your Backpack to the Safe
12while @findtype '3891|3821' backpack as 'DubsnGold'
13 sysmsg "Gold n Dubs on backpack goes to BankSafe"
14 lift DubsnGold 60000
15 drop SafeBox -1 -1 0
16 wait 600
18overhead "Bank Deposit done" 99
20#FEEDBACK Anakin#0351