Spyglass Routine by Brozan (Syal)

Related: Snippet

1if not timerexists spyGlassPeek
2    createtimer spyGlassPeek
3    settimer spyGlassPeek 6600
6if timer "spyGlassPeek" > 6500 and not targetexists  
7    settimer 'spyGlassPeek' 0
8    gumpclose 2890020940
9    gumpclose 2890020940
10    dclicktype 5365
11    waitfortarget 1200
12    if targetexists neutral
13        target 'self'
14    endif
15    waitforgump 2890020940
16    gumpresponse 4 2890020940
17    waitforgump 2890020940
18    overhead "spyglass"
19    sysmsg "spyglass"
20    @setvar blueFound 0
21    if ingump "a small ship" 2890020940 or  ingump "a small dragon ship" 2890020940 or   ingump "a medium ship" 2890020940 or    ingump "a medium dragon ship" 2890020940 or  ingump "a large ship" 2890020940 or     ingump "a large dragon ship" 2890020940 or   ingump "a carrack" 2890020940 or   ingump "a galleon" 2890020940
22            overhead "Player BOAT" 43
23            wait 250
24            overhead "Player BOAT" 43
25            wait 250
26            overhead "Player BOAT" 43
27            @setvar blueFound 1
28    endif
29    while ingump "Next" 2890020940 and blueFound = 0
30        gumpresponse 3 2890020940
31        wait 350
32        if ingump "a small ship" 2890020940 or  ingump "a small dragon ship" 2890020940 or   ingump "a medium ship" 2890020940 or    ingump "a medium dragon ship" 2890020940 or  ingump "a large ship" 2890020940 or     ingump "a large dragon" 2890020940 or   ingump "a carrack" 2890020940 or   ingump "a galleon" 2890020940
33            overhead "Player BOAT" 43
34            wait 250
35            overhead "Player BOAT" 43
36            wait 250
37            overhead "Player BOAT" 43
38            @setvar blueFound 1
39        endif
40    endwhile    