Resource Maps - Ore Map V2.0 by neverstopswing

Description: Resource map mining, this will gate to your CY once you hit a weight threshold (440), This is easily adjustable to account for camping and such. Edit: I have updated it to not dispel the gate and use the gate if it is still available when the map is finished to conserve mana. Highly recommend running ban bot while doing this =)

1#Set these variables before using. 
2@setvar! tomechest 
3@setvar! oretome 
4@setvar! globalTimeout 650
8if not findlayer self lefthand and not findlayer self righthand
9    dclicktype 'pickaxe'
10    wait 700
12dclicktype 'pickaxe'
13wait 2000
14if insysmsg 'You have completely exhausted your mining camp.'
15    if findtype 'map' backpack as map
16        lift map
17        drop 0x0
18    endif    
19    clearjournal
20    clearsysmsg 
21    target clear
22    if findtype 3948 'ground' 0 1 2 as 'bluegate'
23        dclick 'bluegate'
24        waitforgump 3899019871
25        gumpresponse 2
26        cast 'Dispel Field'
27        waitfortarget
28        target self
29        pause 1000
30        dclicktype 'iron ore'
31        if findtype "storage shelf" ground -1 -1 2 as shelf
32        menu shelf 1
33        endif
34        if findtype "resource container" ground -1 -1 2 as resource
35            overhead 'Dumping Stockpile'
36            menu resource 0
37            wft globalTimeout
38            target self
39            wait 200
40        endif
41        if findtype "garden shelf" ground -1 -1 2 as gshelf
42            overhead 'Dumping Seeds'
43            menu gshelf 0
44            wft globalTimeout
45            target self
46            wait 200
47        endif
48        dclick oretome tomechest    
49        waitforgump 1667380559
50        gumpresponse 20
51        waitforgump 1667380559
52        if insysmsg 'No map of that type is currently being stored.'
53            clearsysmsg 
54            gumpresponse 21
55            waitforgump 1667380559
56            if insysmsg 'No map of that type is currently being stored.'
57                clearsysmsg 
58                gumpresponse 22
59                waitforgump 1667380559
60                if insysmsg 'No map of that type is currently being stored.'
61                    clearsysmsg
62                    gumpresponse 23
63                    waitforgump 1667380559
64                    if insysmsg 'No map of that type is currently being stored.'
65                        clearsysmsg
66                        gumpresponse 24
67                        waitforgump 1667380559
68                        if insysmsg 'No map of that type is currently being stored.'
69                            clearsysmsg
70                            gumpresponse 25
71                            waitforgump 1667380559
72                            if insysmsg 'No map of that type is currently being stored.'
73                                clearsysmsg
74                                gumpresponse 26
75                                waitforgump 1667380559
76                                if insysmsg 'No map of that type is currently being stored.'
77                                    clearsysmsg
78                                    gumpresponse 27
79                                    waitforgump 1667380559
80                                    if insysmsg 'No map of that type is currently being stored.'
81                                        clearsysmsg
82                                        gumpresponse 28
83                                        waitforgump 1667380559
84                                        if insysmsg 'No map of that type is currently being stored.'
85                                                overhead 'No maps left!'
86                                        endif
87                                    endif
88                                endif
89                            endif
90                        endif
91                    endif
92                endif
93            endif
94        endif
95        gumpclose
96        wait globalTimeout
97        dclicktype 'map'
98        overhead 'Ready to go!'
99        stop
100    endif
101    if weight < 464
102        if weight < 394
103            hotkey 'Recall'
104            overhead 'Recalling!'
105            waitfortarget
106            targettype 'runetome'
107        endif
108        if weight >= 394
109            wait 250
110            hotkey 'Drink Strength'
111            pause 650
112            hotkey 'Recall'
113            overhead 'Recalling!'
114            waitfortarget
115            targettype 'runetome'
116        endif
117    endif
118    if weight >= 464
119        overhead 'Too heavy to recall!'
120        hotkey 'Gate Travel'
121        overhead 'Gating'
122        waitfortarget
123        targettype 'runetome'
124        wait 100
125        if findtype 3948 'ground' 0 1 2 as 'bluegate'
126            dclick 'bluegate'
127            waitforgump 3899019871
128            gumpresponse 2
129            cast 'Dispel Field'
130            waitfortarget
131            target self
132        endif
133    endif
134    pause 1000
135    dclicktype 'iron ore'
136    if findtype "storage shelf" ground -1 -1 2 as shelf
137    menu shelf 1
138    endif
139    if findtype "resource container" ground -1 -1 2 as resource
140        overhead 'Dumping Stockpile'
141        menu resource 0
142        wft globalTimeout
143        target self
144        wait 200
145    endif
146    if findtype "garden shelf" ground -1 -1 2 as gshelf
147        overhead 'Dumping Seeds'
148        menu gshelf 0
149        wft globalTimeout
150        target self
151        wait 200
152    endif
153    dclick oretome tomechest    
154    waitforgump 1667380559
155    gumpresponse 20
156    waitforgump 1667380559
157    if insysmsg 'No map of that type is currently being stored.'
158        clearsysmsg 
159        gumpresponse 21
160        waitforgump 1667380559
161        if insysmsg 'No map of that type is currently being stored.'
162            clearsysmsg 
163            gumpresponse 22
164            waitforgump 1667380559
165            if insysmsg 'No map of that type is currently being stored.'
166                clearsysmsg
167                gumpresponse 23
168                waitforgump 1667380559
169                if insysmsg 'No map of that type is currently being stored.'
170                    clearsysmsg
171                    gumpresponse 24
172                    waitforgump 1667380559
173                    if insysmsg 'No map of that type is currently being stored.'
174                        clearsysmsg
175                        gumpresponse 25
176                        waitforgump 1667380559
177                        if insysmsg 'No map of that type is currently being stored.'
178                            clearsysmsg
179                            gumpresponse 26
180                            waitforgump 1667380559
181                            if insysmsg 'No map of that type is currently being stored.'
182                                clearsysmsg
183                                gumpresponse 27
184                                waitforgump 1667380559
185                                if insysmsg 'No map of that type is currently being stored.'
186                                    clearsysmsg
187                                    gumpresponse 28
188                                    waitforgump 1667380559
189                                    if insysmsg 'No map of that type is currently being stored.'
190                                            overhead 'No maps left!'
191                                    endif
192                                endif
193                            endif
194                        endif
195                    endif
196                endif
197            endif
198        endif
199    endif
200    gumpclose
201    wait globalTimeout
202    dclicktype 'map'
203    overhead 'Ready to go!'
204    stop
206if weight > 440
207    clearjournal
208    clearsysmsg 
209    target clear
210    overhead 'Dropping off..'
211    hotkey 'Gate Travel'
212    overhead 'Gating'
213    waitfortarget
214    targettype 'runetome'
215    wait 100
216    if findtype 3948 'ground' 0 1 2 as 'bluegate'
217        dclick 'bluegate'
218        waitforgump 3899019871
219        gumpresponse 2       
220    endif
221    pause 1000
222    dclicktype 'iron ore'
223    if findtype "storage shelf" ground -1 -1 2 as shelf
224    menu shelf 1
225    endif
226    if findtype "resource container" ground -1 -1 2 as resource
227        overhead 'Dumping Stockpile'
228        menu resource 0
229        wft globalTimeout
230        target self
231        wait 200
232    endif
233    if findtype "garden shelf" ground -1 -1 2 as gshelf
234        overhead 'Dumping Seeds'
235        menu gshelf 0
236        wft globalTimeout
237        target self
238        wait 200
239    endif
240    if findtype 3948 'ground' 0 1 2 as 'bluegate'
241        dclick 'bluegate'
242        waitforgump 3899019871
243        gumpresponse 2
244        say 'all guard me'
245        replay
246    endif
247    stop