Vendor - Platemail Set Bag Filler by jfrostp

Related: Snippet vendor

Description: Auto-fills backpacks with platemail sets for your vendor. Can do all material types simultaneously by using color-coded bags, but you must set the hues in the script variables. Will turn 100 loose platemail pieces in your backpack into beautifully arranged plate set bags, ready to sell

# Auto platemail vendor bags by Frost # How to use this script: # 1) Set all the bag hue values to the dye colors you use # 2) Optionally, set the sourceBag and destinationBag variables to permanent values for convenience # # NOTES: # ***THE SOURCE AND DESTINATION BAGS MUST BE DIFFERENT!*** # The script will halt if it encounters a non-exceptional item # Any pieces that do not have a bag will remain in the source bag # Set this to the container with your plate pieces setvar! sourceBag # Set this to the container with your dyed bags setvar! destinationBag setvar! delay 400 # Set the values below to the hues you dye your bags to (use >info to get the hues) setvar! ironBagHue 0 setvar! dullCopperBagHue 993 setvar! shadowBagHue 803 setvar! copperBagHue 648 setvar! bronzeBagHue 543 setvar! goldBagHue 248 setvar! agapiteBagHue 708 setvar! veriteBagHue 568 setvar! valoriteBagHue 488 setvar! avariteBagHue 513 removelist plateHues createlist plateHues pushlist plateHues 0 pushlist plateHues 2419 pushlist plateHues 2406 pushlist plateHues 2413 pushlist plateHues 2418 pushlist plateHues 2213 pushlist plateHues 2425 pushlist plateHues 2207 pushlist plateHues 2219 pushlist plateHues 1763 removelist bagHues createlist bagHues pushlist bagHues ironBagHue pushlist bagHues dullCopperHue pushlist bagHues shadowBagHue pushlist bagHues copperBagHue pushlist bagHues bronzeBagHue pushlist bagHues goldBagHue pushlist bagHues agapiteBagHue pushlist bagHues veriteBagHue pushlist bagHues valoriteBagHue pushlist bagHues avariteBagHue removelist plateTypes createlist plateTypes pushlist plateTypes 5138 pushlist plateTypes 5139 pushlist plateTypes 5142 pushlist plateTypes 5143 pushlist plateTypes 5144 pushlist plateTypes 5146 @clearignore cleardragdrop while list plateHues > 0 foreach color in plateHues setvar! plateColor color break endfor if poplist plateHues front as throwaway endif # Commence janky syntax to get our array values foreach color in bagHues setvar! bagColor color break endfor if poplist bagHues front as throwaway endif removelist xPositions createlist xPositions pushlist xPositions 0 pushlist xPositions 75 pushlist xPositions 100 pushlist xPositions 0 pushlist xPositions 400 pushlist xPositions 400 removelist yPositions createlist yPositions pushlist yPositions 0 pushlist yPositions 85 pushlist yPositions 95 pushlist yPositions 400 pushlist yPositions 0 pushlist yPositions 400 removelist tempTypes createlist tempTypes # Cycle through item types to find them bags setvar! itemType 0 while list plateTypes > 0 foreach x in xPositions setvar! itemX x break endfor if poplist xPositions front as throwaway endif foreach y in yPositions setvar! itemY y break endfor if poplist yPositions front as throwaway endif foreach type in plateTypes setvar! itemType type break endfor if poplist plateTypes front as throwaway endif pushlist tempTypes itemType while findtype itemType sourceBag plateColor as item getlabel item itemLabel if "master" in itemLabel else sysmsg 'Non-exceptional item found, stopping script:' 33 sysmsg itemLabel 33 sysmsg 'Hue:' 33 sysmsg plateColor 33 stop endif # Find a bag that needs this color plate piece setvar! foundBagForItem 0 while findtype 3701|3702 destinationBag bagColor as plateBag if findtype itemType plateBag else lift item 1 wait delay drop plateBag itemX itemY wait delay setvar! foundBagForItem 1 break endif @ignore plateBag endwhile @clearignore if foundBagForItem = 0 #overhead 'Not enough bags' break endif endwhile endwhile foreach tempType in tempTypes pushlist plateTypes tempType endfor endwhile sysmsg 'Done filling platemail bags' @clearignore cleardragdrop